Contactee Books (by author, more prolific)
George Adamski
- Inside
the Spacships; George Adamski; Paperback; $15.95
- Wisdom
of the Masters of the Far East; George Adamski; Paperback (Out of
- Countdown
to Space Fleet Landing or George Adamski Speaks Again from Planet Venus (Tesla
Speaks Series, Vol 7); Ruth E. Norman; Paperback; $9.35
- Looking
for Orthon: The Story of George Adamski; Colin Bennett; Paperback; 2001;
George Adamski Their Man on Earth (UFO Factbooks Series); Lou Zinsstag;
Hardcover; $14.95
Ashtar/Tuella (via Thelma
- Ashtar:
Revealing the Secret Identity of the Forces of Light and Their Spiritual
Program for Earth ; Tuella; Paperback; 1994; $14.00
- From
Here to Armageddon: I Am Ashter (The Phoenix Journals); Ashtar; Paperback;
- Survival
Is Only Ten Feet from Hell (Trhe Phoenix Journals); Ashtar; Paperback;
- Cosmic
Prophecies for the Year 2000: A Channeled Symposium on What We Can Expect for
the Rest of the Decade; Tuella; Paperback; $12.95
- A
New Book of Revelations; Tuella; Paperback; 1998; $14.00
- New
World Order: Prophecies from Space Channeled by the Ashtar Command; Ashtar
Command; Paperback; $10.95
- On
Earth Assignment; Tuella, Ashtar Command; Paperback; 1994; $14.00
- Project
World Evacuation: UFOs to Assist in the 'Great Exodus' of Human Souls Off This
Planet; Ashtar Command (Compiler); Paperback; $12.95
- Space
Gods Speak: Transmissions from the Solar Council; Ashtar Commard, Adelaide
J. Brown; Paperback; 1992; $10.00
- The
Ultimate Deception; Ashtar Command; Paperback; $10.95
Bashar (via Darryl Anka)
- Contact
Cards: An Extraterrestrial Divination System; Kim Carlsberg, Darryl Anka;
Hardcover; $21.00
- Bashar:
Blueprint for Change: A Message from Our Future; Darryl Anka; Paperback;
- Beyond
My Wildest Dreams: Diary of a UFO Abductee; Kim Carlsberg, Darryl Anka
(Illustrator); Paperback; $16.00
- Quest
For Truth: 100 Insights That Could Change Your Life; Darryl J. Anka, Steve
Meyers; Paperback; 1997; @22.95
Timothy Green Beckley
- The
American Indian UFO Starseed Connection; Timothy Green Beckley; Paperback;
- Book
of Space Contacts; Timothy Beckley; Paperback; $10.80
- Messages
from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman
Bethurum; Arthur Crockett, Timothy Beckley; Paperback; $14.95
- Psychic
and Ufo Revelations in the Last Days; Timothy G. Beckley; Paperback;
- Timothy
Green Beckley's Strange Encounters: Bizarre & Eerie Contact With UFO
Occupants; Timothy Green Beckley; Paperback; $10.80
Astara (via Earlyne Chaney)
- The
Eyes Have It: A Self-Help Manual for Better Vision; Earlyne. Chaney;
Paperback; $7.96
- The
Mystery of Death & Dying: Initiation at the Moment of Death; Earlyne.
Chaney; Paperback; $10.36
- Beyond
Tomorrow; Earlyne Chaney; Paperback; $10.80
- Beyond
Tomorrow; Earlyne Chaney; Paperback; $10.80
- Book
of Beginning Again (Recovery and Rejuvenation Series); Earlyne Chaney;
Paperback; $10.80
- Forever
Young (Astara's Library of Body/Mind/Spirit Masterworks); Earlyne Chaney;
Paperback; $12.95
- Initiation
in the Great Pyramid; Earlyne Chaney; Paperback; $14.95
- Kundalini
and the Third Eye; Earlyne Chaney, William Messick; Paperback; $12.95
- Kundalini
and the Third Eye; Earlyne Chaney; Paperback; $12.95
- Lost
Empire of the Gods; Earlyne Chaney; Paperback; $15.95
- Lost
Secrets of the Mystery Schools: The Coming of the Gods: Initiation and Rebirth
(Astara's Library of Mystical Classics); Earlyne Chaney; Paperback; $15.95
- Remembering:
The Autobiography of a Mystic; E. Chaney; Paperback; $11.95
- Secret
Wisdom of the Great Initiates; Earlyne Chaney; Paperback; $15.95
- Secrets
from Mt. Shasta; Earlyne C. Chaney; Paperback; $9.80
- Shining
Moments of a Mystic; Earlyne C. Chaney; Paperback; $6.30
- The
You Book: A Treasury of Health and Healing (Astara's Library of
Body/Mind/Spirit Masterworks); Earlyne Chaney; Paperback; $16.95
- The
Masters and Astara: The Great Work of the Penetralia, Book 1; Earlyne
Chaney; Paperback (Out of Print)
Dolores Cannon
- The
Custodians:Beyond Abduction; Dolores Cannon; Paperback; 1998; $17.00
- Keepers
of the Garden; Dolores Cannon; Paperback; $12.00
- Legacy
from the Stars; Dolores Cannon; Paperback; $12.00
- The
Legend of Starcrash; Dolores Cannon, Delores Cannon; Paperback; $11.20
Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert
- A
Channeling Handbook; Carla L. Rueckert; Paperback; $8.80
- The
Ra Material: An Ancient Astronaut Speaks (The Law of One , No 1); Don
Elkins; Paperback; $12.95
- The
Law of One Vol 2; Don Elkins; Paperback; $12.95
- The
Law of One, Vol 3: By Ra an Humble Messenger; Don Elkins; Paperback;
- Law
of One Vol 4; Don Elkins; Paperback; $12.95
- The
Law of One Book V: Personal MaterialÐFragments Omitted from the First Four
Books; Jim McCarty, Carla L. Rueckert; Paperback; 2000; $12.95
- Secrets
of the UFO; Don Elkins; Paperback; $7.80
Uri Geller
- The
Geller Effect; Uri Geller, Guy Lyon Playfair; Hardcover (Out of
- Pampini;
Uri Geller; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
- Uri
Geller : Magician or Mystic?; Jonathan Margolis; Paperback; 1999; $24.95
- Uri
Geller, My Story.; Uri, Geller; Hardcover (Out of Print)
- The
Geller Papers: Scientific Observations on the Paranormal Powers of Uri
Geller; 1976 Boston: Houghton Mifflin; Hardcover (Out of Print)
- Strange
Story of Uri Geller; Jim Collins, Shirley Blumenthal; Library Binding
(Out of Print)
- Uri;
A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller.; Andrija Puharich; Hardcover
(Out of Print)
Ida Kannenberg
- The
Alien Book of Truth: Who Am I? What Am I Doing? Why Am I Here?; Ida M.
Kannenberg; Paperback
- Project
Earth: From the ET Perspective; Ida M. Kannenberg; Paperback; $11.16
- UFOs
and the Psychic Factor: How to Understand Encounters With UFOs and Ets;
Ida M. Kannenberg; Paperback; $10.36
George King (Master Aetherius)
- Age
of Aetherius; Kevin Q. Avery, George King; Paperback; $6.30
- Contact
With a Lord of Karma; George King; Paperback; $13.35
- Contacts
With the Gods From Space: Pathway to the New Millennium; George King;
Paperback; $14.95
- Cosmic
Voice Vol 1; George King (Editor); Paperback; $10.40
- Cosmic
Voice Vol 2; George King (Editor); Paperback; $10.40
- The
holy mountains of the world charged in Operation Starlight; George King,
Master Aetherius; Paperback (Out of Print)
- Nine
Freedoms; George King; Hardcover; $24.95
- Operation
Space Magic; George King, Master Aetherius; Mass Market Paperback; 1982;
- Operation
Space Power: the solution to the spiritual energy crisis; George King;
Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
- Twelve
Blessings; George King (Editor); Hardcover; $9.30
- Visit
to the Logos of Earth; George King, et al; Paperback; $26.55
- You
Too Can Heal; George King; Paperback; $10.95
- THE PHOENIX FROM APOLLO; Celeste Korsholm; $8
- TALES FROM PLUTO; Celeste Korsholm; $8
- TALES FROM EARTH; Celeste Korsholm; $8
- TALES FROM NEPTUNE; Celeste Korsholm; $8
- TALES FROM JUPITER; Celeste Korsholm; $8
- TALES FROM MARS; Celeste Korsholm; $8
- TALES FROM MERCURY; Celeste Korsholm; $8
- TALES FROM SATURN; Celeste Korsholm; $8
- TALES FROM THE SUN; Celeste Korsholm; $8
- TALES FROM URANUS; Celeste Korsholm; $8
Gina Lake
- ET
Contact: A Final Briefing for Planet Earth; Gina Lake; Paperback; $10.36
- The
Extraterrestrial Vision: The ET Agendas--Past, Present, and Future;
Theodore, Gina Lake; Paperback; $11.16
- Pathways
to Self-Discovery: Tools to Help You Access Your Higher Self for Guidance
& Healing; Gina Lake; Paperback; $9.60
Norma Milanovich
- The
Light Shall Set You Free; Norma J. Milanovich, Shirley D. McCune;
Paperback; $17.95
- Sacred
Journey to Atlantis; Norma J. Milanovich, et al; Paperback; $12.95
- We
the Arcturians; Norma J. Milanovich, et al; Paperback; $14.95
Ruth Montgomery
- Aliens
Among Us; Ruth Montgomery; Mass Market Paperback; $4.79
- Strangers
Amoung Us; Ruth Montgomery; Mass Market Paperback; $4.79
- Threshold
to Tomorrow; Ruth Schick Montogmery, Ruth Montgomery; Mass Market
Paperback; $4.79
- The
World to Come: The Guides' Long-Awaited Predictions for the Dawning Age;
Ruth Montgomery; Paperback; 2000; $8.95
Nada-Yolanda (Mark-Age via Pauline
- Angels
and Man; Nada-Yolanda; Hardcover; $15.00
- Birth
of the light body: an inspirational treatise; Nada-Yolanda; Hardcover;
- Facts
of Life; Nada-Yolanda; Paperback; 1998; $15.00
to Aquarius: *Mark Age period & program; Nada-Yolanda; Unknown Binding
- My
Divine Love;; Nada-Yolanda; Paperback; 2000; $15.00
- Visitors
from Other Planets; Nada-Yolanda; Hardcover; $15.00
- Evolution
of man, channeled by the spiritual Hierarchy through Nada-Yolanda;
Nada-Yolanda; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
Ernest and Ruth Norman
- Biographical
History of Unarius; Norman, Ruth E.; Hardcover; 1985; $18.99
- Biography
of an Archangel; Ruth E. Norman; Hardcover; $25.00
- Bridge
to Heaven; Ruth E. Norman; Hardcover; $16.00
- Countdown
to Space Fleet Landing or George Adamski Speaks Again from Planet Venus (Tesla
Speaks Series, Vol 7); Ruth E. Norman; Paperback; $9.35
- The
Decline & Destruction of the Orion Empire; Ruth E. Norman; Paperback;
- Decline
and Destruction of the Orion Empire Vol 2; Ruth E. Norman; Paperback;
- Decline
and Destruction of the Orion Empire Vol 3; Ruth E. Norman; Paperback;
- Future
World Vol 3; Ruth E. Norman; Paperback; $12.95
- Have
You Lived on Other Worlds Before Vol 1; Ruth E. Norman; Paperback; (Out
of Print)
- Have
You Lived on Other Worlds Before Vol 2; Ruth E. Norman; Paperback; $9.85
- Infinite
Concept of Cosmic Creation: An Introduction; Ernest L. Norman; Hardcover
(Out of Print)
- Joining
of Science and Spirit; Ruth Norman, Charles Spaegel; Hardcover (Out of
- The
Last Inca Atahualpa : An Eyewitness Account of the Conquest of Peru in 1535
; Norman, Ruth E.; Hardcover; 1993; $21.00
- Mars
Underground Cities Discovered (Tesla Speaks, Vol 12); Ruth E. Norman;
Hardcover; $14.00
- The
Masters Speak (Tesla Speaks, No 8, Pt 1); Ruth E. Norman; Hardcover;
- The
Masters Speak (Tesla Speaks, No 8, Pt 2); Ruth E. Norman; Hardcover;
- My
2000 Year Psychic Memory : Mary of Bethany- 13th Disciple to Jesus of Nazareth
; Norman, Ruth E.; Paperback; 1987; $7.99
- New
Hope for Drug and Alcohol Abusers; Norman, Ruth E.; Paperback; 1984; $5.99
- Ra-Mu
of Lemuria Speaks ; Norman, Ruth E.; Hardcover; 1988; $21.99
- The
Restoration of the Interplanetary Confederation; Norman, Ruth E.;
Hardcover; 1987; $18.00
- Return
to Atlantis; Ruth E. Norman; Hardcover; $24.95
- Return
to Atlantis, Part 2 Vol 3; Ruth E. Norman; Paperback (Out of Print)
- Thirty-Two
Earth Worlds Speak to Planet Earth, Part 1 (Tesla Speaks, Vol Iv); Ruth E.
Norman; Hardcover; $17.00
- Thirty-Two
Earth Worlds Speak to Planet Earth, Part 3 (Tesla Speaks, Vol Iv); Ruth E.
Norman; Hardcover; $17.00
- Thirty-Two
Earth Worlds Speak to Planet Earth, Part 2 (Tesla Speaks, Vol Iv); Ruth E.
Norman; Hardcover (Out of Print)
- Touched
by Light; Ruth E Norman; Paperback; 1997; $15.00
- Truth
About Mars; Ernest L. Norman; Paperback (Out of Print)
- Voice
of Eros (Pulse of Creation Series) Vol 2; Ernest L. Norman; Hardcover;
- Voice
of Hermes (Pulse of Creation Series); Ernest L. Norman; Hardcover; $17.00
- Voice
of Orion (Pulse of Creation Series) Vol 4; Ernest L. Norman; Hardcover;
- The
Voice of Venus (Pulse of Creation); Ernest L. Norman; Paperback; $15.00
- Your
Encounter With Life, Death and Immortality; Ruth E. Norman; Paperback;
Patricia L. Pereira
- Arcturian
Songs of the Masters of Light: Arcturian Star Chronicles Volume Four;
Patricia L. Pereira; Paperback; 2000; $11.16
- Eagles
of the New Dawn (The Arcturian Star Chronicles; by Patricia L. Pereira;
Paperback; 1997; $10.36
- Songs
of the Arcturians: The Arcturian Star Chronicles, Volume 1; Patricia L.
Pereira; Paperback;1996
- Songs
of Malantor: Intergalactic Seed Messages for the People of Planet Earth;
Patricia L. Pereira; Paperback; 1998; $11.16
Pleiadian (Billy Meier and others)
- Message
from the Pleiades; Wendelle Stevens; Hardcover (Out of Print)
- Message
from the Pleiades (UFO Factbooks Series: No 2); Wendelle C. Stevens;
Hardcover (Out of Print)
Contact from the Pleiades a Preliminary Investigation Report; Wendelle C.
Stevens; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Contact from the Pleiades Vol 1; Lee J. Elders; Hardcover (Out of
Contact from the Pleiades: A Supplementary Investigation Report; Wendelle
C. Stevens (Illustrator); Hardcover (Out of Print)
- Light
Years: An Investigation into the Extraterrestrial Experiences of Eduard
Meier; Gary Kinder; Hardcover (Out of Print)
- The
Pleiadian Mission: A Time of Awareness; Randolph Winters, Randolph Winter;
Paperback; $16.00
- Spaceships
of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story; Kal K. Korff; Hardcover; $18.17
- The
Talmud of Jmmanuel: The Clear Translation in English and German; Eduard
Meier; Paperback; $12.76
- Celestial
Teachings: The Emergence of the True Testament of Jmmanuel (Jesus); James
Deardorff; Paperback; $14.36
- An
Act of Faith (Ptaah tapes); Jani King; Paperback; $16.95
- The
Ptaah Tapes: Transformation of the Species; Jani King; Paperback; $16.95
- The
Gift: P'Taah Transmissions from the Pleiades; Jani King; Hardcover; $19.95
- Bringers
of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians; Barbara Marciniak; Paperback;
- Earth:
Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library; Barbara Marciniak; Paperback; $10.36
- Family
of Light: Pleiadian Tales and Lessons in Living; Barbara Marciniak, Karen
Marciniak (Contributor;; Paperback; 1998; $12.00
- Encounter
In The Pleiades: An Inside Look At Ufo's; Nichols, Preston B, Peter Moon;
Paperback; 1996; $19.95
- Affinity:
Reclaiming the Divine Flow of Creation; Amorah Quan Yin; Paperback; 2001;
- Pleiadian
Perspectives on Human Evolution; Amorah Quan Yin, Amorah Quan-Yin;
Paperback; $12.00
- The
Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka; Amorah Quan Yin, et al;
Paperback; $12.80
- The
Pleiadian Tantric Workbook:Awakening Your Divine Ba; Amorah Quan Yin;
Paperback; 1998; $12.80
- Heart
of the Christos: Starseeding from the Pleiades; Barbara Hand Clow, Angela
C. Werneke (Illustrator); Paperback; $12.00
- The
Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light; Barbara Hand Clow,
Brian Swimme (Introduction); Paperback; $12.00
- Encounter
in the Pleiades: An Inside Look at UFO's; Preston B, Nichols, Peter Moon;
Paperback; $15.96
- An
Infusion of Light: A Gift from the Pleiades to Planet Earth; John
Hornecker; Paperback (Out of Print)
- Atlantis
and the Seven Stars; Jack. Countryman; Hardcover (Out of Print)
- For
we are one : the Pleiadians; Nina Jenice; (Out of Print)
- Riding
the Phoenix; Hannah Beaconsfield; Paperback; 2001; $16.00
- Welcome
to Planet Earth: A Guide for Walk-Ins, Starseeds and Lightworkers of All
Varieties; Hannah Beaconsfield; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
Lyssa Royal, Keith Priest
- Millennium:
Tools for the Coming Changes; Lyssa Royal; Paperback; 1998; $11.16
- Preparing
for Contact: A Metamorphosis of Consciousness; Lyssa Royal, Keith Priest;
Paperback; $10.36
- The
Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Aalectic Heritage; Lyssa Royal,
Keith Priest; Paperback; $9.56
- Visitors
from Within; Lyssa Royal, Keith Priest; Paperback; $10.36
- Future
Sex; Stephen A. Davis, Lyssa Royal; Paperback (Out of Print)
Bob Shapiro (Zoosh)/Arthur Fanning
- Allies;
Bob Shapiro; Paperback; $8.80
- Awakening
to the Animal Kingdom; Robert Shapiro, Julie Rapkin; Paperback; $9.80
- Awakening
to the Plant Kingdom; Robert Shapiro, Julie Rapkin; Paperback
- Ets
and the Explorerer Race; Robert Shapiro; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
- The
Explorer Race; Robert Shapiro; Paperback; $25.00
- Explorer
Race and Beyond; Robert Shapiro; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
- Explorer
Race: Creators and Friends Mechanics of Creation; Robert Shapiro;
Paperback; 1998; $19.95
- Explorer
Race: ET Visitors Speak; Shapiro, Robert; Paperback; 2000; $14.95
- Explorer
Race & Isis; Robert Shapiro; Paperback; 2001; $11.96
- Explorer
Race & Jesus; Robert Shapiro; Paperback; 1999; $14.95
- Explorer
Race: Origins and the Next 50 Years; Robert Shapiro; Paperback; 1998;
- Explorer
Race and Particle Personalities; Robert Shapiro; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
- Explorer
Race: Shamanic Secrets for Material Mastery; Robert Shapiro; Paperback;
1999; $19.95
- The
Sedona Guide Book of Channeled Wisdom; Robert Shapiro, Page Bryant;
Paperback; $11.96
- Shining
the Light Vol I; Robert Shapiro, Arthur Fanning; Paperback; 1995; $10.36
- Shining
the Light Vol II; Robert Shapiro, Arthur Fanning; Paperback; 1996; $11.96
- Shining
the Light Vol III; Robert Shapiro, Arthur Fanning; Paperback; 1996; $11.96
- Shining
the Light Book IV; Robert Shapiro, Arthur Fanning; Paperback; 1996; $11.96
- Shining
the Light V: Humanity Is Going to Make It!; Robert Shapiro; Paperback;
1998; $14.95
- Shining
the Light VI; Robert Shapiro; Paperback; 2000; $14.95
- Simon;
Arthur Fanning; Paperback; 1993; $7.96
- Soul
Evolution Father; Arthur Fanning; Paperback; 1996; $10.36
Brad Steiger
- Alien
Rapture: The Chosen; Edgar Rothschild Fouche, Brad Steiger; Paperback;
1998; $19.95
- Fellowship:
Spiritual Contact Between Humans and Outer Space Beings; Brad Steiger;
Hardcover (Out of Print)
- Gods
of Aquarius: UFOs and the Transformation of Man; Brad. Steiger; Hardcover
(Out of Print)
- Inside
Heaven's Gate: The Uf0 Cult Leaders Tell Their Story in Their Own Words,
Brad Steiger; Paperback; 1997; $4.98
- Other
Worlds, Other Lives- Discover Your True Cosmic Origins; Brad Steiger;
Hardcover; $14.95
- The
Promise: The True Story Of Space Visitors On Earth; Bell, Fred &
Steiger, Brad; Paperback; 1992; $12.95
- The
Rainbow Conspiracy; Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger; Paperback; 1998;
- The
Seed; Brad Steiger; Paperback
- Star
People; Brad and Francie Steiger; Paperback (Out of Print)
- Starborn;
Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger; Mass Market Paperback; $3.99
Wendelle C. Stevens
Contact from Andromeda: Extraterrestrial Prophecy; Rodriquez-Mortiel,
Wendelle; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Contact from Angels in Starships; Giorgio Dibitonto, William T. Sherwood;
Hardcover; $14.95
Contact from Itibi-Ra: The Cancer Planet Mission (UFO Factbooks Ser.);
Ludwig, F. Pallmann, Wendelle C. Stevens; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Contact from Planet Iarga; Stefen Denaerde, Wendelle C. Stevens; Hardcover
(Out of Print)
Contact from Planet Koldas (UFO Factbooks Ser); Carl Van Vlierden;
Hardcover (Out of Print)
Contact from Undersea; Wendell Stevens, Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo; Hardcover;
Contact at Pascagoula; William Mendez; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Contact from Planet Acart, from Utopia to Reality; Artur Berlet; Hardcover
(Out of Print)
Contact from Reticulum: A Report of the Investigation; Wendelle C.
Stevens, et al; Hardcover; $16.95
Contact from Reticulum Update (UFO Factbook Series); Wendelle C. Stevens;
Hardcover (Out of Print)
Contact from Planet Ummo, Vol. I: The Mystery of Ummo (UFO Factbooks Ser.) Vol
1; Antonio Ribera, Wendelle C. Stevens; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Contact from Planet Ummo: The Incredible Truth Vol 2; Antonia Ribera;
Hardcover; $16.95
Crash at Aztec (UFO Factbooks); Wm Steinman, Wendelle Stevens; Hardcover
(Out of Print)
Photographs Around the World Vol 2; August Roberts, Wendelle Stevens;
Hardcover (Out of Print)
Photographs Around the World (UFO Factbooks Ser) Vol 1; Wendelle Stevens;
Hardcover (Out of Print)
Frank Stranges
- Mystery
Man of Darkness (No. 666); Frank Stranges; Paperback; $7.30
- Nazi
UFO Secrets and Bases Exposed; Frank Stranges; Paperback; $7.80
- Stranger
at the Pentagon; Frank E. Stranges; Paperback; $10.80
Conspiracy; Frank E. Stranges; Paperback; $7.30
- The
White Planet; Frank E. Stranges; Paperback; $7.30
- Doors
of truth-- unlocking biblical mysteries; Frank E. Stranges; Unknown
Binding (Out of Print)
- My
Friend from Beyond Earth; Frank E. Stranges; Paperback (Out of
- The
Star of Bethlehem; Frank E. Stranges; Paperback (Out of Print)
Claude Vorilhon (Rael)
- The
True Face of God; Claude Vorilhon (Rael); Paperback; 1998; $10.95
- The
Final Message; Claude Vorilhon (Rael) (out of print)
- The Message Given to me by Extra-Terrestrials; (Rael); Paperback; 1989;
(out of print)
- Space Aliens Took me to Their Planet; Claude Vorilhon (Rael); Paperback;
1998; (out of print)
Contactee Books (by author, less prolific)
Wisdom; Gene Andrade; Paperback; 1997; $14.95
Arcturus Probe: Tales and Reports of an Ongoing Investigation; Jose
Arguelles; Paperback; 1997; $14.95
Gods Speak: Transmissions from the Solar Council; Ashtar Commard, Adelaide
J. Brown; Paperback; 1992; $10.00
Angel Prediction; Michael X. Barton; Paperback; $7.85
from the Stars; Wesley H. Bateman; Paperback; 1993; $11.95
Alien Eyes; Bateman, Wes; Paperback; 2001; $19.95
key to Earth's destiny; Winfield S. Brownell; Unknown Binding (Out of
Promises: A True Story of Courage and Belief; Vance A. Davis; Hardcover;
Connection; Bob Decard; Paperback; $8.80
to the Ninth Planet; Michel Desmarquet; Paperback; 1995; $16.95
Golden Reed; Delamer Duverus; Unknown Binding (Out of Print)
and the Extraterrestrial Contact Movement: A Bibliography/Volume One:
Unidentified Flying Objects/Volume Two: The Extraterrestrial Contact
Movement; George M. Eberhart, J. Gordon Melton; Hardcover; $97.50
For The Light; Don Elwood; Paperback; 1992; $14.95
Operation Terra: Messages from the Hosts of Heaven, a new revelation on Earth
changes, ETs, the end times, and the journey to the New Earth, Terra, Volume
One; Estes, Sara Lyara; Paperback; 2001; $14.98
Contact: A Serious Handbook for Locating and Communicating With
Extraterrestrials; Bill Fawcett (Editor); Hardcover; $15.40
India to the Planet Mars: A Case of Multiple Personality With Imaginary
Languages; Theodore Flournoy; Paperback; 1994; $14.36
India to the Planet Mars: A Case of Multiple Personality With Imaginary
Languages; Theodore Flournoy, Sonu Shamdasani (Editor); Hardcover; 1994;
Mystics, and Contactees; Salvador Freixedo; Paperback (Out of
White Sands Incident Including an Extraterrestrial Statement; Daniel W. Fry,
Dr. Fry, Rolf Telano; Paperback; $12.95
Meetings In Higher Space; William Gammill; Paperback; 2001; $12.95
Conspiracy: A Case Study; M Greenberg; Paperback (Out of Print)
Contact: The Evidence and Implications; Steven M. Greer; Paperback; 1999;
Planet Earth; John S. Haigh; Paperback; $9.30
Magic: UFO crashes, abdutcions, underground bases; William Hamilton;
Paperback; $12.95 (Hamilton was a personal friend of Fry and many of the
early contactees and talks about the period in the book)
The Secrets of Amenti; Anna Hayes; Paperback; 1999; $20.00
The Sleeping Abductees (Volume I); Anna Hayes; Paperback; 1999; $13.95
Lion People: Intercosmic Messages from the Future; Murry Hope; Paperback;
1988; $26.95
City Beneath the Bermuda Triangle; David Jungclaus; Paperback; 1989;
Atlantean Visin Wheel; David Jungclaus; Paperback; 1991; $11.95
Mysteries (Saint Germain Series, Vol 1); Godfre Ray King; Paperback; 1989;
Mysteries (Saint Germain Series; Vol 1); Godfre Ray King; Hardcover; 1989;
and the Nature of Reality Understanding Alien Consciousness and Interdimensional
Mind: J.Z. Knight (Ramtha); Paperback; 1991; (Out of Print)
Contact Has Begun: The True Story of a Journalist's Encounter With Alien
Beings; Phillip H. Krapf; Paperback; 1998; $9.56
Challenge of Contact A Mainstream Journalist's Report on Interplanetary
Diplomacy; Phillip H. Krapf; Hardcover; 2001; $19.95
of the Alien Heart: A Search Inward for the Mystery of Alien Contact; B.
Lambert; Paperback; $10.99
to Extraterrestrials; Lisette Larkins; Paperback; 2002; $15.95
Gods Have Landed: New Religions from Other Worlds; James R. Lewis (Editor);
Paperback; $19.95
of Ezekiel: Aliens, Ufos, the Crisis of Race, and the Advent of End Time;
Michael Lieb; Paperback; 1998; $18.95
Direct Answers from the Zeta Reticuli People by Nancy Lieder; Paperback;
in Translation: With References for Further Study; Bertha Lopear, Gerald
Ross; Paperback (Out of Print)
Elsewhere: Being E.T. in America; Scott Mandelker; Hardcover; $13.27
Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan; Scott Mandelker; Paperback;
2000; $18.00
Starseed: A Galactic Initiation; Raymond Mardyks; Paperback; 1994;
with the Arcturians; David K Miller; Paperback; 1998; $17.00
The Pk
Man : A True Story of Mind over Matter; Jeffrey Mishlove; Paperback; 2000;
Circles Revealed; Moore, Judith \ Barbara Lamb; Paperback; 2001; $25.00
The True Story of 10 Days on an Extraterrestrial Civilization; Alec Newald;
Paperback; 1999; $13.56
First Contact;, Sheldan Nidle; Paperback; $19.75
Divine Blueprint: Roadmap for the New Millennium; Robert Perala, Tony
Stubbs; Paperback; 1998; $14.95
on Two Planets or the Dividing of the Way; Phylos the Thibetan, Frederick
Spencer Oliver (Editor); Paperback; 1991;
Children: The True Story of Alien Offspring Among Us; Jenny Randles;
Paperback; $8.76
A Great New Dawn for Humanity: Being the True Story of a Contactee and His
Encounter With Intelligent Beings Who Have Visited the Planet earth; Enrique
Castillo Rincon; Hardcover
A Quest to Understand Contact; Jeanne Marie Robinson, John Carpenter;
Paperback; 1999; $15.16
of an Intergalactic Anthropologist; Marcia Schafer; Paperback; 1999;
Only Planet of Choice Essential Briefings from Deep Space; Phyllis V.
Schlemmer,; Paperback; 1995; $16.95
Of Tomorrow: The Reinhold O. Schmidt Story; Reinhold Schmidt; Paperback;
1975; $10.00
the Awakening : Realizing the Divine Nature of Who You Are (A Pleiadian
Book); Shapiro, Lia; Paperback; 2001; $15.95
Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries; Zecharia
Sitchin; Mass Market Paperback; 1995; $6.29
We Are
the Nibiruans: Return of the 12th Planet by Jelaila Starr; Paperback;
Keepers: An Alien Message for the Human Race by Jim Sparks; Paperback; 2006;
Council Of Seven Lights; George Van Tassel; Mass Market Paperback; 1999;
Stars Look Down; George Van Tassel; Mass Market Paperback; 1999; $15.95
Vows: Our Lives With Extraterrestrials; Denise Rieb Twiggs, Bert Twiggs;
Mass Market Paperback; $4.40
Tongues - Other Flesh; George Hunt Williamson; Paperback; $15.95
Places of the Lion: Alien Influences on Earth's Destiny; George Hunt
Williamson; Paperback; $11.96
Magic, The Pleiadean Glyphs; Judith Diana Winston; Paperback; 1995;
to Earth; Elia Wise; Hardcover; 2000; $19.20
Catchers of Heaven: A Trilogy; Michael Wolf; Paperback; 1996; $26.00
Overhead: Channeled Material from Oendamonas; Christine Wong; Hardcover;
of Tomorrow; Greta Woodrew; Hardcover (Out of Print)
On a
Slide of Light; Greta Woodrew; Hardcover (Out of Print)
Message from the Stars; Mary M. Wunder; Paperback; 1993; $11.95
Extraterrestrial Papers; Tony X; Paperback; 1994; $12.95